Thursday, October 29, 2009


I use twitter. The idea of using twitter for a lecture was actually a whole lot of fun, even if it really wasn't executed all that well. I think there should have been more time spent hammering out the logistics, but the idea of popularity on the internet versus popularity off the computer really interested me.

It's kind of alarming, how easy it is to stalk someone these days. All you need is their facebook account, and if you manage to get yourself added as a friend, you're set. Or even just watching their twitter. People announce where they are and who they're with off hand and with little thought, now. I know I certainly didn't think about it when I posted that my pants were itchy, or anything else inane like that.

Because stuff like this

Monday, October 26, 2009

I am a big dork

I know full well that I should have kept up with this, but honestly, I forgot. So I've got to go through and go over what we've done over the last few weeks, which should be fun, because this was my favourite class. :B RIGHT TIME TO KNUCKLE DOWN

Monday, October 5, 2009

blogging, hooray!

I've had a blog for a while, but I think I need to identify the difference between a journal and a blog. For me, there's a huge difference.

Journals are far more personal. It's your daily life, about the way things affect you. It's complaining about your cat and your family not getting along, it's about how you thoguht a guy on the bus was funny.

A blog is different. It's about issues and subjects and things you've been thinking on; long, drawn out discussions. Admittedly, I don't use my blog as much as my journal. I need to actually think about what's put in there, because I don't want to sound like an idiot. Talking about performing personalities, though. You do that every time you write a blog post. I don't swear in those. I swear ALL THE TIME in real life.

Mind you, my blog is mostly personal. I don't cover anything huge. Other blogs do, however. they often collaborate (or in some cases rival) news media. In the case of ONTD They sometimes get the scoop before Perez Hilton, who is another well known blogger. The difference between ONTD and Perez, aside from quality of reporting, is the fact that ONTD is a group effort, with many bloggers.

But blogs, as a whole, are more social. With a journal, you have your set friends and you write entries based on what you feel comfortable about them reading. Blogs can be commented on by anyone, be they nasty, nice or somewhere inbetween. This sharing of public information (and it's the public bit that's important)brings people together to discuss specific topics far better than any private journal could.

Some blogs, while while just for fun, manage to gain and audience of thousands. ONTD has an official member list of 50,000 and an official watcher list of 50,000, although the actual number of people visiting is much higher. A blog is a collaborative media, regardless of whether one person is doing the posting or if 50,000 people are. Bloggers, however, aren't the same as journalists.

A journalist has a much harder job. They need to actually get out there and find things out. Get in people's faces. Have things thrown at them. Get kicked, punched, spat on. A blogger takes the news that the journalist has posted and re-posts it for discusstion. I'm being very, very narrow minded here, however. I realise that bloggers do a lot of their own research. And I do realise that a lot of the time, they do their own reviews and things of movies, television, gadgets and games. Cooking bloggers cook their own food etc etc.

In Blogs of War: Weblogs as news, Melissa Well goes into the subject a little more in depth. Okay, a lot more in depth than I'm going. For exmaple, the abstract says
This article examines current events weblogs or blogs that were particularly active during the second US war with Iraq, in the spring of 2003. Analysis suggests that theseblogs are a new genre of journalism that emphasizes personalization, audience participation in content creation and story forms that are fragmented and interdependent with other websites. These characteristics suggest a shift away from traditional journalism’s modern approach toward a new form of journalism infused with postmodern sensibilities.

Honestly, the article is worth a read, if you can get your hands on it. Very dry, but worth a read.

I feel that the subject is far too broad for me to go into all over the place, but I will think on it.

Monday, September 21, 2009

News, ownership and the idea of being informed

I learned some things I didn't know today. For example:

- I didn't know that if you checked your ATM and found money missing, that it was you who was responsible for showing how it went missing.
- in Feburary 2009, facebook made amendments to its privacy settings that allowed the site to take ownership of anything the users posted on their profile, even if they deleted their account.

The idea of personal Onus of Proof and the lack of control I have over my face book page alarms me. Although this sort of ties into the Spin thing that we were talking about in Professional Writing and Publishing, if you'll let me draw paralells.

With spin, it's basically taking any situation and turning it to your advantage. The way they word the terms of service for certain companies does the same thing. With the bank, they don't really care how it happens as long as they get the money.

My notes say Agenda Setting, which is basically the same thing as Spin. Choose the setting you want, angle your agenda towards it, and you can almost convince anyone of anything. The correct wording is paramount, and as a result of learning all of this I've been reading through my contracts and anything else I agree to very, very carefully.

Monday, September 7, 2009

play vs work

now THIS is a subject that interests me. The idea of being able to make real world money out of a video game? Quit my job and take up playing a game all the time? Sign me up for that. I love video games. They're a form of escapism that, if the story is told properly, you can really become immersed in.

My favourite games are all survival horror games. Well, aside from Fallout 3, which is like a great massive multiplayer game, only it's not, and you're the only one playing it.

One thing that the lecturer said this week was that "All games have rules, but not all have goals" and this struck me as very very true. Many, many games I have played over the years served little to no purpose, other than to hack at things until they exploded in a bloody mess. A game with a purpose, I think, is a game that makes you think. A game that makes you sit there and gasp at the screen because something just struck you that you hadn't thought about before. A lot of media can do that, I guess. I know there have been television shows that have done that to me. They can be used as an educating tool, hilighting ignorance or bias and showing people ways to get over it, even if it is just through residual guilt.

The idea of Alternate Reality Games though, that's an interesting one. Escapism is a way of ...well, escaping the world as we know it. I can see how some people might be drawn into these games, like Second Life, or World of Warcraft. And the way that people make money off the games fascinates me. I'm not very good at finance and things like that. Commercially they do it completely escapes me, and not everyone can. But it also, tying into the previous entry, raises issues of copyright. If you create content in game, is it really yours? I know people who have created content for games, so does that mean they're breaking the law?

But role playing, or real life games, are the most fun. Seeing what the world would be like if something happened, or if we were all different somehow, is interesting. And all sorts of fun.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

on referencing, texts and sugar crashing (also perhaps copyright)

Referencing is kicking my ass. I keep forgetting to reference the actual text in my work. APA referencing has so many rules that it feels like I'm trying to navigate a minefield with a stick. Not exactly the best method and I'm more likely to get blown up. And I'd rather keep my limbs intact, thanks.

Although I do like having this laptop so I can update this blog DURING my tute.

now, onto the lecture.

We talked about copyright. My own work is under a creative commons copyright agreement. I'll have to look it up (ahh, here it is) but the creative commons license notes I took are as follows.


Creators choose a set of conditions they wish to apply to their work:

- Attribution: you let others copy, distribute, display and perform your copyrighted work – and derivative works based upon it, but only if they give you credit in the way you request.

- Share alike: you allow others to distribute derivative works only under a license identical to the one that governs your work

- Noncommercial: you let others distribute it for non-commercial purposes only.

- No derivative works


Also, Fair use.

Fair use factors are:

-The purpose and character of the use

-The nature of the copyright work

-The amount of sustainability of the portion used

-The effect of the use on the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

So as far as I'm aware, nobody can post my work or create a derivative work without asking me. Which is an interesting idea, but doesn't work so well in practice. Another thing I have noticed (with regards to
in general) is that most people do not pay attention to a Creative Commons license. It's free, which might be a part of the problem, but websites and other people can take and modify it however they wish without asking permission, and there is little to no recourse for the artist. Because the website is based in America, unless you're american you don't have access to their legal system.

So I can see where copyright might be problematic. The remediation and transformative works clause was fairly interesting as well. I think it's 10% of the primary source can be used before it becomes plagarism? But remediating isn't the same as transforming. Remediating is just spreading, honestly. Opening it up to new avenues. Transformative works takes the actual text and makes it into something different, based off the original. At least, that's what I got out of it.

(I am, however, on a sugar crash)

Monday, August 31, 2009


Copyright. What a thorny issue. I think the main problem I had with copyright was the issue of ownership. Yes, a person owns their ideas, but I also, as a person, believe that ideas should be shared. The originator of the idea should be acknowleged, but...well, like I said. It's a thorny issue.

And now I'm cursing myself for not taking more detailed notes.

Ooh, a subject I do like. Fair use. The subject of fairuse is hotly debated. Is it fair if the originator doesn't like it? is it fair use if the person's been dead for a couple of hundred years? I mean, I'm hardly one to bitch about fair use. I'm downloading a soundtrack for a video game right now. Is what I'm doing illegal? I've spent more money on this game than I have anything else this year. Haven't I paid my dues? According to law, no. And I'm inclined to agree, which is why I'm also buying the soundtrack in hard copy off amazon.

That's what annoys me about copyright and fair use. People bitch about wanting to have things free for the people, but then won't go out and buy the original to support the artists.

Transformative works, however, are a whole different kettle of fish. I love making music videos. They're so much fun, even if I'm not very good at them. They pass the time, they allow for creativity and new interpretations, etc etc. For me remediation, I chose to do a music video. Whether that was a good choice or not I couldn't tell you. I'll have to wait till I get my results back. But the actual act of creating something, even from using someone else's source, is satisfying. It shows a love for the subject matter (or a hate depending on the purpose of the remediation)and a different interpretation that might not necessarily have been picked up by the casual viewer.

I think that's why read only media irritates me so much. Especially i-tunes, which only allows sharing of a song three or four times before it becomes unreadable. I love sharing songs with my friends. Our music collection grows on the singlular songs we share with each other. I usually (when I can find the album) go out and buy the album itself.

And, onto the last part of my notes (hooray) creative commons. My own artwork is under a creative commons license. Boiled down, it means that they can display my work as long as they credit me, they can do derivative works as long as it's under the same license, and they're not allowed to make money off it. Which I'm glad for, but because the license is on an american website, I'm not sure how that works into the Australian market.

An except from the site itself says :
As we are a U.S. based company the laws which govern deviantART are those of the United States of America.

By agreeing to abide by the deviantART Submission Agreement and our Terms of Service you are also agreeing that you will abide by the laws which govern our website.

And also

The bottom line is: Just about anything that is on this site, on the web, on TV, on CD's, on DVD's, in books & in magazines is probably copyrighted by someone.

For further reading, their copyright policy can be found here.